
Being a loving wife, mother of two amazing teenagers, friend or family member, business owner and volunteer are not how I wish people to know me.  Those are beautiful, yet somewhat insignificant details.  How I want people to know me is as a growing Christian, Jesus Follower and true disciple.

I am at a unique place in my life where my spiritual journey is this maze of awesomeness.  Even the “wrong” turns are “right”.  For the past year, there has been growing conviction in my spirit that ALL of the ways I was once defined are in need of a major overhaul.   For all those who once called me Sunshine, I want only to be a reflection of SONShine.  Instead of being a “cool”, “youthful” or even “great” mom, I want my kids to see Jesus in me.  My heart’s desire is for them to begin to see only Him in me and realize He is the reason why I am the mother they love.  He chose me for them and vice versa.  The same holds true for my husband, friends, family and every stranger I encounter.

My heart is overwhelmed with everything God is doing in my life. Jesus holds my hand and comforts me in the midst of chaos; he also rejoices with me when I hear our Father’s voice. This is where I can share the simple and the complicated conversations I have with God. Whether a seemingly simple Bible flip or a prayer answered, this is My God Room to journal and reflect on what He is putting on my heart.

My prayer is something in the words He gives me will be shared in such a way they bring others closer to Jesus.  He is the truth, the light and the way…to everything.