Gratitude and Double Nickels

Yesterday, we returned to TN from worshipping at Brandon Lake’s Tear off the Roof Tour in Charleston, SC on 5/5/2024. It was the quickest trip we have ever planned or taken. Leaving my glorious 55th year behind in January, my heart’s desire was to worship at a Brandon Lake event. His music very much marked all of 2023 for me, including the miracle 10/17/23. We prayed about it and agreed to go to Charleston, SC, to celebrate my 1/21/2024 birthday, my ninth baptism birthday (5/3/15) and our 9th wedding anniversary (5/10/15) in advance. Praise God for healing my blood pressure issues of February, March and April, in His Timing! (Isa 55)

After a spiritual warfare grenade thrown by a certain pastor last week, I am exponentially grateful we sacrificed some things in our normal budget to obtain floor seats. Heck, we were even blessed in the City Market buying that brick washed red Charleston cap. The sweet vendor told me I was “meant to have that cap” at a 33% discount! We met up with an old friend of mine who is four months pregnant with her second child. She will be fifty in July and the baby girl will be born in late October/Early November. Blessings upon blessings!

We cut the visit a pinch short to ensure we made it over to the Credit One arena on time. The Holy Spirit was present in a palpable way; it felt like Jesus was holding my hand most of the evening. It did not surprise me Brandon Lake opened with “Praise You Anywhere” and ended with “Praise”. From beginning to the end of his set, Brandon Lake led authentic, gospel-based worship. Of all the Christian artists I have ever experienced in person, I do not recall a single one used more by God to move me closer to Him. I thank God for the soundtrack he has given to my faith, including Brandon Lake.

After Doe’s opening set, there was an extended call to sponsor World Vision children in need. Lake was on stage at 8:02 pm. Roughly 40 minutes into the show, Brother Brandon joked about being too sweaty to put on his Coat of Many Colors. He shared the story behind his coat before placing it on his sons. In doing so, Lake spoke of the double portion of Spirit and anointing his father prayed over him and how he prays for his three boys to receive the same.

I have seen quite a few clips/shorts of Brandon Lake. Never had I heard him refer to a double portion. It certainly isn’t the first time the Holy Spirit has returned a Word back to me through another person. In that moment, I knew exactly why the Spirit had me write out “One Response” to the aforementioned pastor BEFORE leaving Nashville. It was the nudge to include a reference to 2 Kings 2:9-14 and a double portion of a different variety. Such a blinding bright light of a Godwink in the middle of the show!

Truly, I love how the Holy Spirit moves…including through music and the internet. I somehow ended up here after looking up Brandon Lake’s earlier music. How perfect! Brandon Lake wrote a song with Matt Redman, Brian Johnson, and Phil Wickham and called “We Praise You” on Redmond’s Let There Be Wonder compilation four years ago. The same Matt Redman the pastor praised while denouncing Brandon Lake’s song, Gratitude. The pastor wrote, “Lake is connected with Bethel Church …and along with their music labels promote questionable teaching all the time.” I suppose it depends on how one defines “connected.” Still, I rebuke such statements, as God will judge me or condemn every useless word, including mine.

I didn’t find or know this song before writing “One Response”, so I am including it here for posterity. Yes, Brandon Lake has collaborated with Elevation Worship, Bethel Music, Hillsong, Maverick City Music and more. I emphatically deny that all music from them should be silenced under the presumption of “bad theology”.

I assume ALL GOOD in any person is from God, as I believe all GOOD and GOOD KNOWLEDGE come from God. I have also experienced God through some secular music. I respect churches being intentional about how they lead worship and which songs they choose. However, blindly banning any group of artists and reading the devil into all their songs surely borders on blasphemy.

Praise can be a weapon to silence the enemy!

Roughly a year later, this is Elevation Worship with Maverick City and Brandon Lake. This video was posted three years ago and as of today, 3.3M views:

Forward another year, Lake’s Gratitude was used on The Chosen. 33 million views to this version alone. I believe God has used this song to sew countless seeds among those 33 million views. Brandon Lake can’t convert people to follow Jesus in his own power. However, there is no denying God’s hand on this song and, I believe, on Mr. Lake, himself. Lord, thank you for all you have done, are doing and will do. You have the master list 🙂 Today, I humbly ask all those who come to Jesus through his ministry grow to full maturity in their faith. In Jesus sweet name, Amen.

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