
Isa 43:19 pulled me from sleep around 2:15 am. Woke up hearing “Graves into Gardens” in my spirit and remembering the T-shirt I wore yesterday with Isa 43:19 inscribed. Considering the depths of yesterday’s thoughts, it is not a coincidence The Spirit has me up at this hour.

Christina is my newest favorite goat. How very different for me to have so many thoughts creatively, spiritually and for them to be centered on my Godversation with Miss Christina today.

Lord, you pulled me in the wee hours to jot this gist for another time. I am praising you for everything under the sun and posting this reminder in obedience. You have my list! Thank you for always listening. Thank you for hearing my prayers Christina’s father and family. I trust you completely and ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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