Faith and Forgiveness

Lord, thank you for ALL you have done, are doing and will do in our lives. I come to you with a humbled and much-slowed down heart. Please forgive me for any time my child-like wonder has been an impediment in any manner.

I know this heart you gave me is for YOUR PURPOSE and you wired me this way for reasons I may never know in this life. Thank you for infusing my heart with such genuine excitement for you and love of others! In this moment, I am very grateful for the hard lesson about when to “turn down the volume”.

Oh, Lord, I would never want to have your greatness in our lives perceived as anything other than YOUR GREATNESS. I see now, many people have never experienced you. I do not wish to be a poor messenger or example of your grace.

What I do see in this moment is how you literally slowed my heart pressure to 84/62 on February 28, just as you did seven years ago and November 26. You, like any good parent, must let your child implode from time to time. It’s not to blow up a secure life, it’s to build it back even more secure.

Foundations and Floodgates are much like roots and wings. Thank you for comforting me through the scary parts and giving me Mark as my husband. I love you most of all! I ask this forgiveness in the name of your precious son, Jesus, and every drop of his blood that was shed for humanity. Amen.

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