Faith and Forgiveness

Lord, thank you for ALL you have done, are doing and will do in our lives. I come to you with a humbled and much-slowed down heart. Please forgive me for any time my child-like wonder has been an impediment in any manner.

I know this heart you gave me is for YOUR PURPOSE and you wired me this way for reasons I may never know in this life. Thank you for infusing my heart with such genuine excitement for you and love of others! In this moment, I am very grateful for the hard lesson about when to “turn down the volume”.

Oh, Lord, I would never want to have your greatness in our lives perceived as anything other than YOUR GREATNESS. I see now, many people have never experienced you. I do not wish to be a poor messenger or example of your grace.

What I do see in this moment is how you literally slowed my heart pressure to 84/62 on February 28, just as you did seven years ago and November 26. You, like any good parent, must let your child implode from time to time. It’s not to blow up a secure life, it’s to build it back even more secure.

Foundations and Floodgates are much like roots and wings. Thank you for comforting me through the scary parts and giving me Mark as my husband. I love you most of all! I ask this forgiveness in the name of your precious son, Jesus, and every drop of his blood that was shed for humanity. Amen.

Love & Lead Like Jesus

The Holy Spirit got me out of bed at 5:45 this morning to look up 2 Timothy 2:22. I spent about 45 minutes in the Book of Timothy before going downstairs to turn on the coffee.  For the third time in three months, I flipped to Amos 1:1.    These two things deserve several pages of thought processing, but that is going to have to wait.  Amos reminds us God can do extraordinary things through ordinary people.   I have never once considered my husband “ordinary” as a human being, but today I want to share the extraordinary work I believe God is doing through him.

The other day, God put a need in front of me that resulted in an inspired action of committing to give a precise amount of money. I didn’t know why that was put on my heart so strongly, but there was no denying that it was to be done, in that exact amount, exactly as it happened.  Things are questionable at our business right now, the margins are becoming smaller and for us, it was a substantial action.  I would typically never commit to any amount over $100 without first talking with my husband.  Still, I was committed.  Just now, I am realizing there is a Biblical reference tied to the amount, but, I digress.    When my husband came home, we discussed it and his response was excitement.  He was so excited that we were called to be used and that we could be used by Him.  The look that kids get when they see gifts at their birthday?  Yes, that was the look in Mark’s face.  We have such joy in the giving.   That is just a part of my sweet husband.

Mark has given me a copious amount of time off work to dedicate myself and the gifts He has given me to a God-directed service project. We share Bible flips, Godversations, details and observations, life, business and everything else.  On top of all of it, we have had three very emotionally exhausting weeks with my teenagers due to something that had nothing to do with us.   Mark needs and deserves a chance to breathe, rest and just sleep in one day.

Bearing that in mind, we have talked and prayed for quite some time about how to best use what God has given us to be of service.  Mark was lead to open our home for a Men’s Group at our church.  Two nights ago, he had two Godly men in our home for about three hours.  This was immediately after the emotionally and spiritually charged conversation with me about the giving.   What a Thursday!    Last night, a second men’s group started.   Being who we are in our marriage, we have been discussing what it means to be a leader and put love into action.  My husband has a huge heart; I love watching God at work through him right now.   Despite being exhausted beyond measure; my sweet husband went to the other man’s group last night. He went because he felt called to go.  He went because the man, Bryan, had told him no one else had committed to attend.  He went because that is how you show love to a brother.    Despite a woman and her daughter being present, he stayed for two hours.

When he finally made it home, we had another two hours of God-filled conversation.   Knowing my husband, I had bought him a very funny card.  Something to break any tension for a moment and allow laughter to come to life.  The punch line to the joke was “there is no greater love.”  My note in the card was that “well, there is ONE,” and went on to tell him just how much I appreciate being married to a man who invites Jesus into our lives on a daily basis.  During our Godversation, he shared one of the questions Bryan had asked him was, “who leads you to Jesus.”

In this moment, I am floored, again.  Mark told me his response was to share our Bible flips with Bryan. He shared how this service project has impacted us.  In short, he shared how God has been moving in our lives and told Bryan, “honestly, God has been using Carol to lead me to Jesus.”  My husband has told me many kind words through the years.  He has told me I was beautiful when I was surely not feeling it, he has acknowledged my heart when I was hurting and he married me when I was about fifty pounds heavier.  Of all the kind, wonderful and amazing things my husband has said to me through the years, this is the compliment which means the most.  My husband loves and leads me just like Jesus.  He sees Jesus in me.

We digested our Godversation further and watched the last half hour of show we had started the night before.  We concluded our evening by watching a video on the Book of Daniel.  Another men’s group is having their first meeting this morning.  The topic is Daniel.  Although my husband really needed to sleep until 9, he was planning to be up at 7 to attend the meeting.  Why?  Because that is what a true brother in Christ does for another brother.  He just called and told me, once again, he was the only one who showed up, aside from our pastor.  So, Brothers Kent, Mark and Dustin had a wonderful morning together in the word.  Hearing the joy in his voice, I immediately knew the Holy Spirit was with them.

Our hearts are on fire and in sync with the word, the spirit and the way.  It’s exhilarating!  God is so good!  Thank you, Lord, for giving me a husband who chases your heart with me.  The only key that matters is the one which opens up your Kingdom to us.  We love you.
